Juniata Falls Locomotive Werx (JFX) - FCCorp.US
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The Archives presented here are for your own entertainment. A few components, knuckles, air hoses and the track are copyrighted by Joshua Moldover of the Railroad Paint Shop. Presented here, these drawings are shared with the public for use as templates for designing your own paint schemes. Please do not use them in any commercial usage without written permission.

All images presented here use the PNG format, or "Portable Network Graphics". PNGs provide the same high-quality images as Windows BMPs, but are much closer to GIFs in size, making them a very reasonable compromize format. GIFs force one to reduce the image quality, which is fine for the web, but if you download them to your system to develop your own paint schemes for your road, then you run into problems with not being able to use all the colors of the spectrum. JPEGs provide a compact format, however they also are a very "lossy" format which creates damage to the image data in order to compact the amount of information the file carries. PNGs avoid both of these problems, they can be viewed in all the major web browsers and edited in every major common graphics program, including the ubiqutious MSPaint.

S4a : 0-4-0
Freedom Class
Based on LGB 2010
Stainz Class - Sloped Tender
Stainz Class - Regular Tender
Stainz Class - Vanderbilt Tender
Stainz Class - Centipede Tender
Freedom Class - PRR Tender
Freedom Class - As Built
Freedom Class - With Canteen
Freedom Class - Excursion

S32a : 2-4-0
Based on LGB 20232
Stainz Class - Sloped Tender
Stainz Class - Regular Tender
Stainz Class - Vanderbilt Tender
Stainz Class - Centipede Tender
Freedom Class - PRR Tender
Freedom Class - As Built
Freedom Class - With Canteen
Freedom Class - Excursion

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NOTICE: Freedom Central Corp is a ficticious creation made for my sole benefit and amusement. NO claims are made to provide benefits or services to others.
©2002-2013 - All Rights Reserved - J.D. Gallaway                      WHOIS.US Information: Domain Registration Date:     Wed Apr 24 14:41:26 GMT 2002